Fargo Farleigh Grey Bunk Bed

Fargo Farleigh Grey Bunk Bed

The sturdy Fargo bunk bed is made from high performing hard woods with proper mortice and tenon joints. Featured here in our exclusive Farleigh Grey colour, this rock solid bunk is available in a range of lovely, durable paint finishes. The gently pitched ladder can be positioned at either end of the bed, and once the bunk phase is over, the bed can be easily split down into two full size adult singles; ideal for the guest room

Price: £945.00
File size: 2 MB
Dimensions: 1242x1237px
Aspect ratio: 1242:1237
Brand: Little Folks Furniture

Bedroom, Bedroom Furniture, Beds, Childrens Beds, Childrens furniture

bedroom, Beds, Childrens Bedroom Furniture, childrens bed, stars, celestial, night sky
